
Backlink From A PR6 Blog Update

Hi. I hope everyone is having a wonderful 3 day weekend so far (except for my Canadian friends who don’t get to celebrate ;) j/k). We have 4 reviews so far in Round 6 of the Review CareerRamblings For A Backlink and need 1 more to publish, so if you would like a free backlink from a PR6 site with a lot of traffic go ahead and enter. You can find the rules link below and we will publish Round 6 within the next day or two.

Rules for Backlink From PageRank 6 Site.

If you liked this post, be a nice person and buy Jane a beer.

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Comment by Success Online Subscribed to comments via email
2007-05-27 14:02:00
MyAvatars 0.2

Almost done….

Comment by Jeff Kee
2007-05-27 19:27:24
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.. We had a long weekend last week, Jane. Victoria’s day. Yes, Canada’s head of state is still the British Queen (although it’s only symbolic) and we celebrate Victoria’s day as a national holiday.

Tsk tsk tsk… Hey, remember that video I uploaded to my blog just for you? :P


Comment by Wedding Blog
2007-05-28 20:20:00
MyAvatars 0.2

Are we included in that group? Thanks!

Comment by digitalnomad Subscribed to comments via email
2007-05-29 12:27:01
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Canadians have lots of cool holidays of their own, plus they have lots of holidays that are similar or fall close to holidays in US.

Canadians are just cool people all around. Laid back, too it seems.

I guess technically, the Queen still owns all the land in Canada. I read that somewhere.

Comment by Jeff Kee
2007-05-31 21:46:20
MyAvatars 0.2

Technically yes, although there’s not much meaning or practical barriers of it whatsoever.

When I got my citizenship of Canada (I immigrated from Korea) I had to swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen, not the Prime Minister of Canada.

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