
Benefits or Features

Whether you are selling a service to your readers, selling products or just marketing your blog you have to decide between leading with benefits or features. This is a key distinction that most people do not think about and end up using the wrong choice. Most people display the features of what they are promoting. In most cases, this is not the best way to get sales or grab readers’ attention.

Use Benefits

It is natural for us as humans to care about the immediate benefits we can get from making a purchase or reading someone’s blog. We like catchy headlines or bold words like: “Land a job today” or “Lose 30 lbs in 30 days” These are examples of benefits. Examples of features are: “We list 500 job ads for you to search” or “We provide a diet plan”.

Why Do People Use Features?

When we think about how to market our service, product or web site we think in terms of what value are WE providing to our customer. Naturally, this causes us to write about the features WE are giving YOU. Instead you should grab peoples’ attention by putting yourself in your customer’s shoes and think “Why would they buy my product?” The answer always comes back to - They want to benefit from buying your product or reading your blog. This makes your job simple - show your customers the benefits.

This simple distinction between showing customers benefits over features can be the difference between thousands of dollars in sales and thousands of more readers.

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Comment by digitalnomad Subscribed to comments via email
2007-05-14 16:07:15
MyAvatars 0.2

Excellent points. I just went through this with a client. Advertisers alway want to talk about their features it seems.

I voiced to them exactly what you say in this post…benefits all the way, but there always is resistance.

Comment by James
2007-05-14 16:53:35
MyAvatars 0.2

Great post. It is in the area of thinking about them and not about you.

Comment by Jeff Kee
2007-05-14 21:11:57
MyAvatars 0.2

So uhhh…

you offering me any *benefits*…??

Comment by Nate Whitehill
2007-05-15 02:51:04
MyAvatars 0.2

Great post, Jane. Very clearly explained.

2007-05-15 02:55:50
MyAvatars 0.2

Good information…

Comment by Dan and Jennfer
2007-05-21 03:33:38
MyAvatars 0.2

Great post Jane.

Benefit driven all the way! Nobody cares about features. when they see features, IF they have time, they just do a backward translation on how the features could help them. instead, go straight for WHY they want the thing - the benefits.

Professional copywriters and folks in the direct marketing / internet marketing business have been dealing with this stuff for a long time now.

The concensus is that people make decisions and buy stuff based on impulse and emotion. THEN they JUSTIFY their decision with logic.

So, you promote a product that makes them feel great and be happy; and then lower on the page give them the great logical reasons to get it… 5 awesome free bonuses, limited time special for this great price, save 97% off the regular price, whatever.

Have an awesome day!

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