Jun 1st, 2007
Myspace As A Marketing Tool
People are always looking to increase the traffic to their website. One of the easiest ways to do so is through Myspace. I’m sure you all know what Myspace is by now so I won’t go into the details, but they have over 100 million members so why not tap into this market. A few months ago I started a myspace resource site and created an actual page for the site itself. Today it accounts for a few hundred hits to the site on any given day.
Here’s a step by step guide of how you can do the same.
- Create a Myspace page for your site or blog. If you blog under your personal name like this blog does, then it can help to put a creative spin on it. For example - if your blog is JoeSmith.com and you write about your surfing adventures, then make sure your Myspace page focuses on surfing rather than Joe Smith. Call it something catchy like “Surf’s Up” so people know right away what they are looking at.
- Go to the Myspace groups section and join every surfing group there is. There are tons of these groups with thousands of members in each group.
- Add 25-45 friends per day from these groups. A while back I heard Myspace starts to monitor closely if you add more than 50 people per day but I am not sure how they do this today. I try to stay under the 50 number in any one day.
- Decorate your page with your blog logo and keywords from your blog in all the descriptive fields. Write your page from the perspective of your blog speaking.
- Once you have 200+ friends, you can start posting bulletin boards every now and then when you write an interesting article that will appeal to your friends. Don’t spam the bulletins multiple times per day because it’s extremely annoying and it’s a fast way to get your account banned or to lose friends. You only want to post messages when they will be interesting to people.
- Rinse and repeat steps 4 and 6.
If you do this diligently you will have no problem getting a boost of a few hundred extra hits everytime you post a bulletin and you will convert your Myspace friends to your blog readers. If done correctly, you help yourself by getting more readers and you help your friends by giving them interesting content to read.
Have any of you tried this yet? I’d love to hear your experiences!
- Be sure to sign up for my newsletter on the sidebar if you have not yet done so. I plan my first newsletter this weekend!