
Case Studies - Monetization

The real value I’d like to bring to you from this blog are the real life case studies I’m going to have. All the advice you read about is worthless if you never implement it, and there are tons of sites that provide advice but do not follow their own teachings.  One site that does a good job on integrating a case study is Net Business Blog.

What Will The Case Studies Entail?

I will implement all the advice I provide on this blog into web sites and monetization strategies and report back to you step-by-step on the progress. This way you can see the successes or failures of the advice and decide if you want to follow it yourself. Of course in order to be successful, you MUST employ your own creative and outside-the-box thinking, and often times you MUST step out on a limb and try things you’ve never seen anyone else try.  Everyone making tons of money in this industry has creative campaigns they are running that most other people do not know about and that they created on their own with some creativity. So as you follow along with my campaigns, I really hope you will also be testing your own ideas. You are always welcome to leave comments about your progress or message me in private.

How Will I Implement These Ideas?

I have started by building a very small team for my first 2 campaigns and they will help me in their maintenance.  Since I work a regular 9 - 5 in addition to my sites, I had to bring in a couple people to help me and they will periodically guest blog to give updates on their experiences in building these sites.

What is Career Ramblings?

CareerRamblings is a site I started and maintain with a business associate and friend, John Anthony. I will include Career Ramblings’ stats and secrets that have worked in the rise of the site. I am in the process of deciding on my next site launch/case study and will have an update for you within the next few days.  Please check back frequently and be sure to sign up for my free newsletter on the top of the sidebar.

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