
Setting Monthly Goals

Setting goals is one of the most important things you have to do when running a web site or blog. Some people work best with daily goals, others with weekly or monthly goals but at the least you have to set monthly goals and you must write them down. I can not stress the importance of writing down your goals enough. At a minimum, they should include:

  1. Income Goals. How much will I make this month and how?
  2. Traffic Goals. How many unique visitors will I get and how?
  3. Number of Posts. How many posts per day/week will I write?
  4. Amount of Time Spent Marketing. How many hours per day will I spend on improving my site?

The more specific you are in how you will achieve your goals the more likely you are to reach them.  John and I have set goals for Career Ramblings every month that we have had the site. This has helped us stay on track. For me personally, I like to set daily goals. Each day when I wake up I make a list of the 10 or so items I want to accomplish that day for my web sites. I keep this sheet of paper with me and as I finish each item I cross it off the list. If I do not finish an item, I carry it over to the next day’s list.

Being that today is the first of the month, I suggest we all write down our goals for May. Don’t say you’ll do it later tonight; get out a piece of paper and pen and do it now. Trust me, you’ll thank me later :)

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Comment by Shane
2007-05-01 15:22:07
MyAvatars 0.2

Goals are good.

I always have a good list of to-write-posts to draw from and I stick to my solid 5 posts a week goal.

Traffic and marketing goals are ones I’ve started setting recently.

Comment by Nate Whitehill
2007-05-01 22:40:55
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I agree - goals are a great way to monitor one’s progress and success.

Comment by Jane
2007-05-02 09:12:43
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It looks like you have some great goals for May Nate. Keep us posted on the marketing.

Comment by Jason
2007-05-02 00:35:29
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Hey I just discovered your blog. Lovely design.

Comment by Jane
2007-05-02 09:15:17
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Thanks Jason. How’d you come to find this blog out of curiousity?

Comment by John Smith
2007-05-02 03:48:17
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I must admit that I do so. I set my monthly goals regarding traffic and proposed income for that month, based on previous months, trends, opportunities, etc. And so far it worked like a charm!

Comment by Jane
2007-05-02 09:14:26
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Looking at previous numbers and goals is a great way to reflect and make new goals. You see how much work you put into it last month, and you can get a better idea of what it will take to accomplish next months goals.

Comment by Brian
2007-05-02 19:21:54
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Good stuff Jane :) Welcome to the $100 club :)

Comment by Greg Stratz
2007-05-03 10:29:26
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Thanks for reminding me I forgot to write down my goal.. better go do it now.

Comment by James
2007-05-03 12:30:51
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I need to get in this habit. I’ve been out of practice.
Thanks -good post.

Comment by newopps Subscribed to comments via email
2007-05-05 21:38:34
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having this habit is nice, but the main problem i’m facing was i didn’t finished the item as they planned…it really need self discipline & consistensy.

Comment by digitalfans
2007-05-06 00:41:03
MyAvatars 0.2

goal is easy to setup, but sometime is hard to plan to acheived it,the detail of the plan is important:)

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